First things first - act quickly
You should report any cases of identity theft to your local law enforcement straight away. Make sure you ask for a copy of the police report they create or a reference number. You’ll need to give it to your bank, government agencies, and any other company you need to contact.
Contact IDCARE
IDCARE is a company that helps people who have had their identity stolen in Australia. You’ll need to contact them if you think your identity has been stolen. Their team can help you with the relevant information for your situation to limit the damage. IDCARE’s services are free and useful if you’re unsure of what to do about identity theft.
Contact your providers and lenders
You’ll need to tell your banks, lenders, or credit card providers to get your accounts secured or blocked, if needed. Most lenders have their own fraud investigation team and will be able to look into suspicious activity for you.
If the credit provider you’ve contacted doesn’t agree with your correction, they’ll need to provide you with reasons why.
If you’re still not satisfied with the decision, you can appeal this via the External Dispute Resolution scheme (EDR) or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). You can also raise a complaint with AFCA.
Contact any other relevant organisations
If you’ve lost any identity documents (drivers licence, birth certificate, passport, Medicare card, immigration documentation, etc.) or had them stolen, contact the organisations who issued them. They can help you get new documents and help to cancel previous ones.
Change the passwords to your online accounts
Change passwords to your online accounts (such as your internet banking, email addresses, etc.) straight away to keep your private information safe.
Keep an eye on your ClearScore report
Check this regularly so you can spot any suspicious activity early and take action quickly. If you don’t recognise information on your report, you need to contact the credit provider. They'll be able to look into how it happened.
Check out our article for more tips on what to do if you think your identity has been stolen.