When lenders check your credit file to decide whether to lend to you, they typically look at the past few months. They may also complete their own checks and rarely use your credit file on its own.
So 1 credit score is not an indication of a person's overall financial behaviour. The credit history and consistency of behaviour over time are what matter to lenders.
Same credit bureau, different score
Checking your score on different platforms with the same credit bureau doesn't necessarily mean it will be the same.
We choose to use the comprehensive credit reporting model. This score gives you a clearer idea of how lenders decide whether to lend you money. The same credit bureaus might choose a different model to calculate your score.
Different credit bureaus have different scores
As mentioned above, credit bureaus use different scoring models, so it's unlikely you'll see the same score across bureaus.
You can see your illion and Experian scores in your ClearScore account. Making sure your information is correct on your credit reports is more important than your score. This is because lenders look at your history to make decisions about you.