There’s a number of actions you can take that can help to protect your identity:
- Check your ClearScore report regularly for any incorrect or unrecognised information.
- If there’s information you don’t recognise, you can alert the relevant lender so they can start an investigation.
- Make sure you securely dispose of any documents containing personal information, such as; bank statements, utility bills or expired identity documents.
- Add an extra layer of security by setting up two-factor authentication (2FA) on your online accounts. Such as your email, online banking and social media. Remember to enable 2FA on your ClearScore account too.
- Report any lost or stolen identity documents to the issuing organisation as soon as you realise it's missing.
- Don’t open or respond to any suspicious emails, texts or phone calls.
- Use different passwords for each online account, making sure these are difficult for someone to guess. Check out how to create a strong password for help. You can also use a password manager, such as LastPass, to help with this.
For more tips on protecting your identity, check out IDCARE, Australia's national identity and cyber support service website.